Combining enums and Visitor pattern

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I often find myself in situations where I need specific logic based on some state, for example the value of an enum. The enum type enables us to define a limited selection of constants in a key value fashion.

In this example, I will try to create a more usable enum while still preserving the limited selection of values. The scenario is a product type enum and the extra thing I want to enable is different size sorting based on the product type.

The different product types are clothes and shoes.

Let's start off with creating a class that will act as a enum.

public abstract class ExtendedEnum
    protected ExtendedEnum(int id, string name)
        Id = id;
        Name = name;

    public int Id { get; }
    public string Name { get; }

Now let's implement our product type.

public class ProductType : ExtendedEnum
    public static ProductType Clothing = new ProductType(1, "Clothing");
    public static ProductType Shoes = new ProductType(2, "Shoes");

    public ProductType(int id, string name) : base(id, name)

There are some ways in which we can apply custom logic depending on product type. One way could be to simply add one or more Func<> to the ProductType constructor, but if there are complex dependencies this will not be feasible.

A more dynamic way to apply custom logic is to use the visitor pattern. I will show you that this also allow you to still use dependency injection and testable code.

This is the only overhead, but start off with creating specific classes for Clothing and Shoes.

public class ClothingProductType : ProductType
    public ClothingProductType() : base(1, "Clothing")

public class ShoesProductType : ProductType
    public ShoesProductType() : base(2, "Shoes")

Also, change ProductType.cs into a abstract class and change the static properties.

public abstract class ProductType : ExtendedEnum
    public static ProductType Clothing = new ClothingProductType();
    public static ProductType Shoes = new ShoesProductType();

    public ProductType(int id, string name) : base(id, name)

Next step is to introduce a visitor interface ...

public interface IProductTypeVisitor
    void Visit(ClothingProductType productType);
    void Visit(ShoesProductType productType);

... and a method to apply it to a product type.

public abstract class ProductType : ExtendedEnum

    public abstract void Accept(IProductTypeVisitor visitor);

This will force you to implement void Accept(IProductTypeVisitor visitor) on every implementation of ProductType. This is actually great, because typically, people seem to use switch statements in order to do stuff based on the enum value. However, these switch statements needs maintenance as new product types are added.

Now let's implement the product type visitor.

public class ProductTypeVisitor : IProductTypeVisitor
    private static readonly List<string> ClothingSizes = new List<string>()

    private readonly IEnumerable<string> _sizes;

    public ProductTypeVisitor(IEnumerable<string> sizes)
        _sizes = sizes;
    public IEnumerable<string> SortedSizes { get; private set; }

    public void Visit(ClothingProductType productType)
        SortedSizes = _sizes.OrderBy(x => ClothingSizes.IndexOf(x));

    public void Visit(ShoesProductType productType)
        SortedSizes = _sizes.OrderBy(int.Parse);

That's it! We are now able to use ProductTypeVisitor wherever we'd like, for example in a product controller.

public class ProductController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index(int productId)
        var product = GetProduct(productId);
        var productTypeVisitor = new ProductTypeVisitor(product.Sizes);
        var viewModel = new ProductViewModel
            Sizes = productTypeVisitor.SortedSizes,

There are many benefits by using this pattern. A product is often a domain entity and in a onion architecture - domain entities are placed in the core. Outside the layer, there's usually a data layer and on top of that, there's a presentation layer. The implementation of IProductTypeVisitor can be in any of these layers, and thus, we can let it have any dependency it needs. It's just a matter of resolving these dependencies like you usually do - maybe in a controller constructor - and pass that dependency as a argument to the ProductTypeVisitor constructor.

But hey, don't take only my word for it - a lot of people are using this pattern.

Andreas Jilvero AB
Västmannagatan 44
113 25 Stockholm
Organisationsnummer: 559237-3004
Phone number: 076 035 90 11
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